Passed and blocked apps
- When an app is passed it is listed in Apps view with its original icon and a green triangle. All connections are allowed to pass at application level, thus this app will have unrestricted access to the Internet and to the local networks.
- When an app is blocked it is listed in Apps view with a greyscale and pixelated icon, a red triangle and a red label. All connections are blocked at application level, thus this app will be unable to access to the Internet and to the local networks. Passed and blocked apps has only one pass/block rule.
To change the status of an app in Apps view from passed to blocked or viceversa just select it and click the locker. You will immediately see the icon items changing colors. The change has an immediate effect on the firewall, there are no “apply” or “undo” buttons.
There are two more ways to block an app, and you have to use them if the app is not yet listed in Apps view:
- Select the ‘gear’ button on top of Apps view and click ‘Block Apps’, then browse your system and choose one or more apps to block. Their icon will then appear as blocked in Apps view.
- Drag one or more apps icon from the OS X Finder to Vallum Apps view. Their icon will then appear as blocked in Apps view.
Passed and blocked apps do never trigger a connection notification alert.