General Preferences

Manage Root Processes

If this option is enabled Vallum will apply rules to all running processes, including processes belonging to the root user.
If you want Vallum to ignore (and pass) all root processes uncheck this option. This option is bound to Vallum configuration.

Automatically Manage XPC Processes

XPC services are a technology used by OS X. An XPC is a “slave” app that makes connections to the network triggered by a “master” app, the one the user is actually interacting with.
For example when you open a web site using Safari the connections are not made by Safari itself but by which is an XPC.
The very same XPC is also used by Mail to display html messages, and by App Store to display the fancy Apple shop pages.
If the option is checked all connections made by XPC services will be considered by their responsible app. This means that a connections from triggered by Safari will be displayed in notification alerts and in managed apps view like a Safari connection. The connections triggered by Safari will also be matched against Safari rules, if any.
If is triggered by a different app, let’s say App Store, Vallum will look for App Store app’s rules to find a match. So enabling this option has the effect of simplifying Vallum rules and gives a more granular control over the (few) apps that uses XPC.
If the option is disabled all XPC services will be considered like normal apps. We suggest to enable this option.
When upgrading to Vallum 1.2 or when importing a configuration from an old Vallum, the option may be disabled.
When you enable to option on an existing ruleset, Vallum by default removes all managed XPC services.
When this option is active you should never see XPC services like in managed apps.
This option is bound to Vallum configuration.

Automatically check for Vallum updates

Check this option if you want Vallum to check update automatically. Please note that Vallum considers itself a foreign app, so if you choose a restrictive strategy then you must explicitly allow Vallum to make connections to in order to check for updates availability.
This option is not bound to Vallum configuration.